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Created 16-Nov-19
37 photos

Sloss Furnaces is an 1800s industrial revolution marvel: huge metallic shapes, strange machinery, tools, and decaying metal, frozen in time and unused for 50 years. In the late 19th century, in the post-Civil War era, Sloss Furnaces in Birmingham, AL was the world’s largest producer of pig iron, an intermediate product of the iron and steel industry. Sloss is the reason Birmingham is called the Iron City or Steel City.

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Sloss Furnaces - Visitor CenterSloss Furnaces - Blast Furnace, Skip Bridge, Blast StovesSloss Furnaces - Blast Furnace, Skip Bridge, Blast StovesSloss Furnaces - Blast Furnace, Skip Bridge, Blast StovesSloss Furnaces - Blast FurnaceSloss Furnaces - Blast StovesSloss Furnaces - Furnace ModelSloss FurnacesSloss Furnaces - Number 2 Casting ShedSloss Furnaces - Coal BinSloss Furnaces - Skip Car lined with Refractory (Fireproof) BrickSloss Furnaces - Skip Car lined with Reftactory (Fireproof) BrickSloss Furnaces - BicycleSloss Furnaces - MetalSloss Furnaces - Black Bath HouseSloss Furnaces - The Pyrometer House, DoghouseSloss Furnaces - MachinerySloss FurnacesSloss Furnaces - BoilerSloss Furnaces - Stock Tunnel, Skip Bridge

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