Tel Aviv, Israel - Alma Beach on the Mediterranean Sea

August 09, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Tel Aviv - Alma Beach on the Mediterranean Sea - SurfingTel Aviv - Alma Beach on the Mediterranean Sea - Surfing I heard a comparison years ago – Jerusalem is Holy and Tel Aviv is Hedonistic (engaged in the pursuit of pleasure).  I won’t agree or disagree but you might make up your mind with this photo gallery.

On the day we were flying home, I wanted to get close to Ben Gurion International Airport ahead of the flight.  So, we went to Tel Aviv and I decided to shoot photos of people engaged in the pursuit of pleasure at Alma Beach on the Mediterranean Sea.  I used my long Nikon 200-500mm lens that I lugged to Israel but didn’t shoot until Tel Aviv.

A one-man band played drums and sang to tracks through his portable sound system.

A modern skyscraper was made to look like ancient ruins.

A dog trainer was training his dog on the beach amid a lot of noise and activity.  The dog learned his lesson well, wasn’t distracted by all the activity going on around him, and only responded to his trainer after he reappeared from hiding.

A girl checked her phone at the surf.  You can’t go to a Mediterranean beach without seeing how many likes you had on Facebook.

People pursued pleasure by working out on the beach, playing volleyball, or by just walking around, overly clothed for a Mediterranean beach – as I was.

People in small sailing vessels ignored the warning signs and got dangerously close to obviously dangerous rocks and concrete and steel buoys in the surf.  Motorized rescue dinghies had to go out and end the non-motorized sailboat operators’ pursuit of pleasure and potential death on the rocks.

It was a warm day but the mostly female surfers were dressed nicely, or modestly, in wetsuits.  They were terrible surfers and two women were lathered with sunscreen and wore ballcaps surfing.  Didn’t help.

A couple walked by the sign in Hebrew, English, and an icon that said swimming prohibited.  They were carrying two surfboards and entered the surf just past the swimming prohibited sign.

By the way, you can tell a surfer isn’t a pro when they hold their nose as they try to catch a wave.

A man who looked like a professional photographer was setting up for a shoot of a young girl, probably a model, who was wearing a long black robe.  He had what looked like expensive Profoto self-powered lighting.  When he got the lighting and pose the way he wanted them, the model took off the robe and revealed that she was wearing a bikini and had a black leather jacket that might have been the advertising product draped over her shoulders.  Since I had a long lens, I grabbed a few shots of the model – without the Profoto lighting.  Nobody noticed the model in her bikini except one passing photographer with a long lens.

We were definitely not in Jerusalem anymore. 

Time to go to the Ben Gurion International Airport and fly home to the USA.

Click here to see more photos...


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